We are proud to introduce a membership in Nicaragua with DACOTRANS NICARAGUA.

Dacotrans Nicaragua began operations in Nicaragua in 1980 when a visionary businessman, Rolando Lopez Sanders, acquired the representation of this German organization founded in January 1967 by Mr. Gustav Grosskopf with headquarters in Dusseldorf, Germany, with its own offices and agents around the world.

During this trajectory and experience of more than forty years in Nicaragua, Dacotrans Nicaragua has participated with great success in the largest projects, from fuel and agricultural inputs, to the construction of bridges and roads, such as projects in the hydroelectric, geothermal field, distillation plant, boilers for sugar mills, turbines, complete textile plants, oversized cooling tanks, transformers, wind towers with parts up to 75 tons and 45 meters long and motors for power plants with overweight, among others.

In over-heavy and oversized loads, Dacotrans Nicaragua has the appropriate and suitable equipment for your special load.

This Company is your most reliable solution, Dacotrans Nicaragua includes the use of steel bridges that do not touch the bridges of Nicaragua that do not have the capacity for overweight, as well as highly qualified professional personnel for each type of load.


Bello Horizonte A-Iv-20



Website http://www.dacotransnicaragua.com.ni

 For further information and quotations, please contact

Tel 00505 2249 6076

00505 8945 2979

00505 8714 1684

E-mail esoto@dacotransnicaragua.com.ni

